Name | repos |
Type | Resource |
Id | github.repos.repos |
Name | Datatype | Description |
id | integer | |
name | string | |
description | string | |
allow_forking | boolean | |
archive_url | string | |
archived | boolean | |
assignees_url | string | |
blobs_url | string | |
branches_url | string | |
clone_url | string | |
code_of_conduct | object | Code Of Conduct |
collaborators_url | string | |
comments_url | string | |
commits_url | string | |
compare_url | string | |
contents_url | string | |
contributors_url | string | |
created_at | string | |
default_branch | string | |
delete_branch_on_merge | boolean | |
deployments_url | string | |
disabled | boolean | |
downloads_url | string | |
events_url | string | |
fork | boolean | |
forks | integer | |
forks_count | integer | |
forks_url | string | |
full_name | string | |
git_commits_url | string | |
git_refs_url | string | |
git_tags_url | string | |
git_url | string | |
has_discussions | boolean | |
has_downloads | boolean | |
has_issues | boolean | |
has_pages | boolean | |
has_projects | boolean | |
has_wiki | boolean | |
homepage | string | |
hooks_url | string | |
html_url | string | |
is_template | boolean | |
issue_comment_url | string | |
issue_events_url | string | |
issues_url | string | |
keys_url | string | |
labels_url | string | |
language | string | |
languages_url | string | |
license | object | |
merges_url | string | |
milestones_url | string | |
mirror_url | string | |
network_count | integer | |
node_id | string | |
notifications_url | string | |
open_issues | integer | |
open_issues_count | integer | |
owner | object | A GitHub user. |
permissions | object | |
private | boolean | |
pulls_url | string | |
pushed_at | string | |
releases_url | string | |
role_name | string | |
security_and_analysis | object | |
size | integer | The size of the repository. Size is calculated hourly. When a repository is initially created, the size is 0. |
ssh_url | string | |
stargazers_count | integer | |
stargazers_url | string | |
statuses_url | string | |
subscribers_count | integer | |
subscribers_url | string | |
subscription_url | string | |
svn_url | string | |
tags_url | string | |
teams_url | string | |
temp_clone_token | string | |
topics | array | |
trees_url | string | |
updated_at | string | |
url | string | |
visibility | string | |
watchers | integer | |
watchers_count | integer | |
web_commit_signoff_required | boolean |
Name | Accessible by | Required Params | Description |
list_for_org | SELECT | org | Lists repositories for the specified organization. Note: In order to see the security_and_analysis block for a repository you must have admin permissions for the repository or be an owner or security manager for the organization that owns the repository. For more information, see "Managing security managers in your organization." |
list_for_user | SELECT | username | Lists public repositories for the specified user. Note: For GitHub AE, this endpoint will list internal repositories for the specified user. |
list_public | SELECT | Lists all public repositories in the order that they were created. Note: - For GitHub Enterprise Server, this endpoint will only list repositories available to all users on the enterprise. - Pagination is powered exclusively by the since parameter. Use the Link header to get the URL for the next page of repositories. | |
create_in_org | INSERT | org, data__name | Creates a new repository in the specified organization. The authenticated user must be a member of the organization. OAuth scope requirements When using OAuth, authorizations must include: public_repo scope or repo scope to create a public repository. Note: For GitHub AE, use repo scope to create an internal repository.repo scope to create a private repository |
delete | DELETE | owner, repo | Deleting a repository requires admin access. If OAuth is used, the delete_repo scope is required.If an organization owner has configured the organization to prevent members from deleting organization-owned repositories, you will get a 403 Forbidden response. |
check_vulnerability_alerts | EXEC | owner, repo | Shows whether dependency alerts are enabled or disabled for a repository. The authenticated user must have admin read access to the repository. For more information, see "About security alerts for vulnerable dependencies". |
codeowners_errors | EXEC | owner, repo | List any syntax errors that are detected in the CODEOWNERS file. For more information about the correct CODEOWNERS syntax, see "About code owners." |
create_dispatch_event | EXEC | owner, repo, data__event_type | You can use this endpoint to trigger a webhook event called repository_dispatch when you want activity that happens outside of GitHub to trigger a GitHub Actions workflow or GitHub App webhook. You must configure your GitHub Actions workflow or GitHub App to run when the repository_dispatch event occurs. For an example repository_dispatch webhook payload, see "RepositoryDispatchEvent."The client_payload parameter is available for any extra information that your workflow might need. This parameter is a JSON payload that will be passed on when the webhook event is dispatched. For example, the client_payload can include a message that a user would like to send using a GitHub Actions workflow. Or the client_payload can be used as a test to debug your workflow.This endpoint requires write access to the repository by providing either: - Personal access tokens with repo scope. For more information, see "Creating a personal access token for the command line" in the GitHub Help documentation.- GitHub Apps with both metadata:read and contents:read&write permissions.This input example shows how you can use the client_payload as a test to debug your workflow. |
create_using_template | EXEC | template_owner, template_repo, data__name | Creates a new repository using a repository template. Use the template_owner and template_repo route parameters to specify the repository to use as the template. If the repository is not public, the authenticated user must own or be a member of an organization that owns the repository. To check if a repository is available to use as a template, get the repository's information using the Get a repository endpoint and check that the is_template key is true .OAuth scope requirements When using OAuth, authorizations must include: public_repo scope or repo scope to create a public repository. Note: For GitHub AE, use repo scope to create an internal repository.repo scope to create a private repository |
disable_private_vulnerability_reporting | EXEC | owner, repo | Disables private vulnerability reporting for a repository. The authenticated user must have admin access to the repository. For more information, see "Privately reporting a security vulnerability". |
disable_vulnerability_alerts | EXEC | owner, repo | Disables dependency alerts and the dependency graph for a repository. The authenticated user must have admin access to the repository. For more information, see "About security alerts for vulnerable dependencies". |
enable_private_vulnerability_reporting | EXEC | owner, repo | Enables private vulnerability reporting for a repository. The authenticated user must have admin access to the repository. For more information, see "Privately reporting a security vulnerability." |
enable_vulnerability_alerts | EXEC | owner, repo | Enables dependency alerts and the dependency graph for a repository. The authenticated user must have admin access to the repository. For more information, see "About security alerts for vulnerable dependencies". |
list_languages | EXEC | owner, repo | Lists languages for the specified repository. The value shown for each language is the number of bytes of code written in that language. |
transfer | EXEC | owner, repo, data__new_owner | A transfer request will need to be accepted by the new owner when transferring a personal repository to another user. The response will contain the original owner , and the transfer will continue asynchronously. For more details on the requirements to transfer personal and organization-owned repositories, see about repository transfers.You must use a personal access token (classic) or an OAuth token for this endpoint. An installation access token or a fine-grained personal access token cannot be used because they are only granted access to a single account. |
update | EXEC | owner, repo | Note: To edit a repository's topics, use the Replace all repository topics endpoint. |