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build_typestringThe process in which the Page will be built.
cnamestringThe Pages site's custom domain
custom_404booleanWhether the Page has a custom 404 page.
html_urlstringThe web address the Page can be accessed from.
https_enforcedbooleanWhether https is enabled on the domain
pending_domain_unverified_atstringThe timestamp when a pending domain becomes unverified.
protected_domain_statestringThe state if the domain is verified
publicbooleanWhether the GitHub Pages site is publicly visible. If set to true, the site is accessible to anyone on the internet. If set to false, the site will only be accessible to users who have at least read access to the repository that published the site.
statusstringThe status of the most recent build of the Page.
urlstringThe API address for accessing this Page resource.


NameAccessible byRequired ParamsDescription
get_pagesSELECTowner, repoGets information about a GitHub Pages site.

A token with the repo scope is required. GitHub Apps must have the pages:read permission.
create_pages_siteINSERTowner, repoConfigures a GitHub Pages site. For more information, see "About GitHub Pages."

To use this endpoint, you must be a repository administrator, maintainer, or have the 'manage GitHub Pages settings' permission. A token with the repo scope or Pages write permission is required. GitHub Apps must have the administration:write and pages:write permissions.
delete_pages_siteDELETEowner, repoDeletes a GitHub Pages site. For more information, see "About GitHub Pages.

To use this endpoint, you must be a repository administrator, maintainer, or have the 'manage GitHub Pages settings' permission. A token with the repo scope or Pages write permission is required. GitHub Apps must have the administration:write and pages:write permissions.
update_information_about_pages_siteEXECowner, repoUpdates information for a GitHub Pages site. For more information, see "About GitHub Pages.

To use this endpoint, you must be a repository administrator, maintainer, or have the 'manage GitHub Pages settings' permission. A token with the repo scope or Pages write permission is required. GitHub Apps must have the administration:write and pages:write permissions.