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idintegerUnique identifier of the GitHub app
namestringThe name of the GitHub app
eventsarrayThe list of events for the GitHub app
installations_countintegerThe number of installations associated with the GitHub app
ownerobjectA GitHub user.
permissionsobjectThe set of permissions for the GitHub app
slugstringThe slug name of the GitHub app


NameAccessible byRequired ParamsDescription
get_apps_with_access_to_protected_branchSELECTbranch, owner, repoProtected branches are available in public repositories with GitHub Free and GitHub Free for organizations, and in public and private repositories with GitHub Pro, GitHub Team, GitHub Enterprise Cloud, and GitHub Enterprise Server. For more information, see GitHub's products in the GitHub Help documentation.

Lists the GitHub Apps that have push access to this branch. Only installed GitHub Apps with write access to the contents permission can be added as authorized actors on a protected branch.
add_app_access_restrictionsINSERTbranch, owner, repoProtected branches are available in public repositories with GitHub Free and GitHub Free for organizations, and in public and private repositories with GitHub Pro, GitHub Team, GitHub Enterprise Cloud, and GitHub Enterprise Server. For more information, see GitHub's products in the GitHub Help documentation.

Grants the specified apps push access for this branch. Only installed GitHub Apps with write access to the contents permission can be added as authorized actors on a protected branch.
remove_app_access_restrictionsDELETEbranch, owner, repoProtected branches are available in public repositories with GitHub Free and GitHub Free for organizations, and in public and private repositories with GitHub Pro, GitHub Team, GitHub Enterprise Cloud, and GitHub Enterprise Server. For more information, see GitHub's products in the GitHub Help documentation.

Removes the ability of an app to push to this branch. Only installed GitHub Apps with write access to the contents permission can be added as authorized actors on a protected branch.
set_app_access_restrictionsEXECbranch, owner, repoProtected branches are available in public repositories with GitHub Free and GitHub Free for organizations, and in public and private repositories with GitHub Pro, GitHub Team, GitHub Enterprise Cloud, and GitHub Enterprise Server. For more information, see GitHub's products in the GitHub Help documentation.

Replaces the list of apps that have push access to this branch. This removes all apps that previously had push access and grants push access to the new list of apps. Only installed GitHub Apps with write access to the contents permission can be added as authorized actors on a protected branch.