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idintegerUnique identifier of the package version.
namestringThe name of the package version.


NameAccessible byRequired ParamsDescription
get_all_package_versions_for_package_owned_by_userSELECTpackage_name, package_type, usernameLists package versions for a public package owned by a specified user.

To use this endpoint, you must authenticate using an access token with the read:packages scope. If the package_type belongs to a GitHub Packages registry that only supports repository-scoped permissions, your token must also include the repo scope. For the list of GitHub Packages registries that only support repository-scoped permissions, see "About permissions for GitHub Packages."
get_package_version_for_userSELECTpackage_name, package_type, package_version_id, usernameGets a specific package version for a public package owned by a specified user.

At this time, to use this endpoint, you must authenticate using an access token with the read:packages scope. If the package_type belongs to a GitHub Packages registry that only supports repository-scoped permissions, your token must also include the repo scope. For the list of GitHub Packages registries that only support repository-scoped permissions, see "About permissions for GitHub Packages."
delete_package_version_for_userDELETEpackage_name, package_type, package_version_id, usernameDeletes a specific package version for a user. If the package is public and the package version has more than 5,000 downloads, you cannot delete the package version. In this scenario, contact GitHub support for further assistance.

To use this endpoint, you must authenticate using an access token with the read:packages and delete:packages scopes. In addition:
- If the package_type belongs to a GitHub Packages registry that only supports repository-scoped permissions, your token must also include the repo scope. For the list of these registries, see "About permissions for GitHub Packages."
- If the package_type belongs to a GitHub Packages registry that supports granular permissions, you must have admin permissions to the package whose version you want to delete. For the list of these registries, see "About permissions for GitHub Packages."
restore_package_version_for_userEXECpackage_name, package_type, package_version_id, usernameRestores a specific package version for a user.

You can restore a deleted package under the following conditions:
- The package was deleted within the last 30 days.
- The same package namespace and version is still available and not reused for a new package. If the same package namespace is not available, you will not be able to restore your package. In this scenario, to restore the deleted package, you must delete the new package that uses the deleted package's namespace first.

To use this endpoint, you must authenticate using an access token with the read:packages and write:packages scopes. In addition:
- If the package_type belongs to a GitHub Packages registry that only supports repository-scoped permissions, your token must also include the repo scope. For the list of these registries, see "About permissions for GitHub Packages."
- If the package_type belongs to a GitHub Packages registry that supports granular permissions, you must have admin permissions to the package whose version you want to restore. For the list of these registries, see "About permissions for GitHub Packages."