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NameAccessible byRequired ParamsDescription
delete_authorizationDELETEclient_id, data__access_tokenOAuth and GitHub application owners can revoke a grant for their application and a specific user. You must use Basic Authentication when accessing this endpoint, using the OAuth application's client_id and client_secret as the username and password. You must also provide a valid OAuth access_token as an input parameter and the grant for the token's owner will be deleted.
Deleting an application's grant will also delete all OAuth tokens associated with the application for the user. Once deleted, the application will have no access to the user's account and will no longer be listed on the application authorizations settings screen within GitHub.
check_tokenEXECclient_id, data__access_tokenOAuth applications and GitHub applications with OAuth authorizations can use this API method for checking OAuth token validity without exceeding the normal rate limits for failed login attempts. Authentication works differently with this particular endpoint. You must use Basic Authentication to use this endpoint, where the username is the application client_id and the password is its client_secret. Invalid tokens will return 404 NOT FOUND.
delete_tokenEXECclient_id, data__access_tokenOAuth or GitHub application owners can revoke a single token for an OAuth application or a GitHub application with an OAuth authorization. You must use Basic Authentication when accessing this endpoint, using the application's client_id and client_secret as the username and password.
reset_tokenEXECclient_id, data__access_tokenOAuth applications and GitHub applications with OAuth authorizations can use this API method to reset a valid OAuth token without end-user involvement. Applications must save the "token" property in the response because changes take effect immediately. You must use Basic Authentication when accessing this endpoint, using the application's client_id and client_secret as the username and password. Invalid tokens will return 404 NOT FOUND.