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NameAccessible byRequired ParamsDescription
list_labels_for_self_hosted_runner_for_orgSELECTorg, runner_idLists all labels for a self-hosted runner configured in an organization.

You must authenticate using an access token with the admin:org scope to use this endpoint.
If the repository is private, you must use an access token with the repo scope.
GitHub Apps must have the administration permission for repositories and the organization_self_hosted_runners permission for organizations.
Authenticated users must have admin access to repositories or organizations, or the manage_runners:enterprise scope for enterprises, to use these endpoints.
list_labels_for_self_hosted_runner_for_repoSELECTowner, repo, runner_idLists all labels for a self-hosted runner configured in a repository.

You must authenticate using an access token with the repo scope to use this endpoint.
If the repository is private, you must use an access token with the repo scope.
GitHub Apps must have the administration permission for repositories and the organization_self_hosted_runners permission for organizations.
Authenticated users must have admin access to repositories or organizations, or the manage_runners:enterprise scope for enterprises, to use these endpoints.
add_custom_labels_to_self_hosted_runner_for_orgINSERTorg, runner_id, data__labelsAdd custom labels to a self-hosted runner configured in an organization.

You must authenticate using an access token with the admin:org scope to use this endpoint.
If the repository is private, you must use an access token with the repo scope.
GitHub Apps must have the administration permission for repositories and the organization_self_hosted_runners permission for organizations.
Authenticated users must have admin access to repositories or organizations, or the manage_runners:enterprise scope for enterprises, to use these endpoints.
add_custom_labels_to_self_hosted_runner_for_repoINSERTowner, repo, runner_id, data__labelsAdd custom labels to a self-hosted runner configured in a repository.

You must authenticate using an access token with the repo scope to use this endpoint.
If the repository is private, you must use an access token with the repo scope.
GitHub Apps must have the administration permission for repositories and the organization_self_hosted_runners permission for organizations.
Authenticated users must have admin access to repositories or organizations, or the manage_runners:enterprise scope for enterprises, to use these endpoints.
remove_all_custom_labels_from_self_hosted_runner_for_orgDELETEorg, runner_idRemove all custom labels from a self-hosted runner configured in an
organization. Returns the remaining read-only labels from the runner.

You must authenticate using an access token with the admin:org scope to use this endpoint.
If the repository is private, you must use an access token with the repo scope.
GitHub Apps must have the administration permission for repositories and the organization_self_hosted_runners permission for organizations.
Authenticated users must have admin access to repositories or organizations, or the manage_runners:enterprise scope for enterprises, to use these endpoints.
remove_all_custom_labels_from_self_hosted_runner_for_repoDELETEowner, repo, runner_idRemove all custom labels from a self-hosted runner configured in a
repository. Returns the remaining read-only labels from the runner.

You must authenticate using an access token with the repo scope to use this endpoint.
If the repository is private, you must use an access token with the repo scope.
GitHub Apps must have the administration permission for repositories and the organization_self_hosted_runners permission for organizations.
Authenticated users must have admin access to repositories or organizations, or the manage_runners:enterprise scope for enterprises, to use these endpoints.
remove_custom_label_from_self_hosted_runner_for_orgDELETEname, org, runner_idRemove a custom label from a self-hosted runner configured
in an organization. Returns the remaining labels from the runner.

This endpoint returns a 404 Not Found status if the custom label is not
present on the runner.

You must authenticate using an access token with the admin:org scope to use this endpoint.
If the repository is private, you must use an access token with the repo scope.
GitHub Apps must have the administration permission for repositories and the organization_self_hosted_runners permission for organizations.
Authenticated users must have admin access to repositories or organizations, or the manage_runners:enterprise scope for enterprises, to use these endpoints.
remove_custom_label_from_self_hosted_runner_for_repoDELETEname, owner, repo, runner_idRemove a custom label from a self-hosted runner configured
in a repository. Returns the remaining labels from the runner.

This endpoint returns a 404 Not Found status if the custom label is not
present on the runner.

You must authenticate using an access token with the repo scope to use this endpoint.
If the repository is private, you must use an access token with the repo scope.
GitHub Apps must have the administration permission for repositories and the organization_self_hosted_runners permission for organizations.
Authenticated users must have admin access to repositories or organizations, or the manage_runners:enterprise scope for enterprises, to use these endpoints.
set_custom_labels_for_self_hosted_runner_for_orgEXECorg, runner_id, data__labelsRemove all previous custom labels and set the new custom labels for a specific
self-hosted runner configured in an organization.

You must authenticate using an access token with the admin:org scope to use this endpoint.
If the repository is private, you must use an access token with the repo scope.
GitHub Apps must have the administration permission for repositories and the organization_self_hosted_runners permission for organizations.
Authenticated users must have admin access to repositories or organizations, or the manage_runners:enterprise scope for enterprises, to use these endpoints.
set_custom_labels_for_self_hosted_runner_for_repoEXECowner, repo, runner_id, data__labelsRemove all previous custom labels and set the new custom labels for a specific
self-hosted runner configured in a repository.

You must authenticate using an access token with the repo scope to use this endpoint.
If the repository is private, you must use an access token with the repo scope.
GitHub Apps must have the administration permission for repositories and the organization_self_hosted_runners permission for organizations.
Authenticated users must have admin access to repositories or organizations, or the manage_runners:enterprise scope for enterprises, to use these endpoints.